Fine Art

So, I have finally decided to photograph and sell fine art!  This is something I have thought about doing for a very long time and being that I am an artist, it only makes sense.  I started off drawing and painting at a very young age, my mother wanted me to pursue that more so she enrolled me in art classes.  Well here I am, a photography fine art artist??  I pulled out my photo archives and found some really great photos that will be sold and I have many great conceptual ideas that I am working on right now!  Be sure to check back, as my store on this site will be growing! Traveling was one of the main reasons I wanted to turn my photography into a career and now doing fine art will be the catalyst.  The below photo was taken in Louisiana.

I will say that I'm running into a problem with enlarging my photos.  To enlarge photos to around 40" x 48" which I originally wanted to do, I found that you have to have a lot of megapixels, like 50-100!  Yeah, that's a lot and sure there are cameras that do it, like Hasselblad and Phase One, but those camera start at $30,000! That's a big chunk of change!  So I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to shoot so I can enlarge my photos to such a big size... without that huge $30K investment.  Now that I have decided to shoot and sell fine art, it has opened up an entire world of creativity and ideas.  I am very eager to start shooting my concepts and just as eager to get them printed and framed, so I can hang them on my wall as well as sell them.  It's a whole new world and it really feels like that path I should have been on from the beginning.  Well, I have a lot more to learn in the fine art photography world and I will be adding follow up post to this one to share what I have learned and what I am shooting.

Tree Of Forgiveness
from $249.00